Thursday, August 13, 2009

skunk, and a super cute project

Well, we've been having a problem with skunks lately, and the other night Jeremy stepped out on the back porch to turn off the water and came face to face with a SKUNK! So he runs in the house like a school boy, get Hunter's gun (which, by the way is HUNTER's SIZE) and goes out side like a kid and shots the skunk. Well, surprise it didn't spray. He was quiet happy with himself. Well, this morning we were not as lucky. Just picture the same scene happening again, but this time spraying. Our house filled with the smell. The girls came out of their rooms wanting the Febreeze. Jeremy said it wasn't a big deal, the smell will go away. I told him the smell wont go away for a while, but be won't be here to know!

I saw this in one of my online craft magazine and loved the idea, so I made one. It has been so nice in the mornings when I am getting the girls ready. I can see all the hair clips. I also made flower hair clips for school this year. I've been in a really crafty mood.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

very cute might just make one myself!


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